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Hades Fuer den Kontakt, verwendet bitte folgende email Adresse: hades at servus dot at For contacting us, please use the email adress: hades at servus dot at Pamela Neuwirth She studied Sociology and worked as radio editor, freelance journalist, mortician and as factotum at several archives during the last decade. Interested in crossover she worked with artists in the fields of technology and surveillance (Installation Ghostradio“, 2014), architecture and history (non-fiction-book Genossenschaftliches Wohnen“, 2015) and art brut and psychiatry (reportage Lunatic, 2016) Markus Decker His interests capture the topics of information processes and theories about the entropy in feedback systems and in natural phenomenons. His methods of working are strongly connected to the field of the free/libre open source ideas in the context of art. With an interdisciplinary approach he collaborates irregularly with different groups and artists since the 90ties. http://www.firstfloor.org/ae