special issues in the information theory special issues in the information society the project deals with the paradox situation of logical machines to create real randomness by chance, and about acoustic awareness theories of environmental information with sensortechnology. at the biological research station kilpisjarvi, we do research on different methods in enviromental sensoring. the output of this research will be used in the two projects of data_opera and ghostradio. the isolated situation of the arctic seems to be the ideal testingground for the environmental -filters, -antennas and -tentacles. of further importance for the development of the project is the access to the stations laboratories and especially the exchange with the researchers on site. the finnish bioart society supports this artistic scientific exchange with the artist in residence program, ars bio arctica. the outcome of this work will be presented at linz and helsinki and will be published under the copyleft free art licence in the internet. this are 2 links to the project involved in this research residency; ghostradio is the search for real chance, and data_opera use the envionmental data for the acoustic athomspheres. ghostradio: http://www.firstfloor.org/ghostradio/ data_opera: http://expanderrr.servus.at/dataopera/?p=1 locations: 2 weeks kilpisjarvi, 1 week helsinki short biography: project cooperation of michael schweiger and markus decker both working in art and culture. michael schweiger: http://expanderrr.servus.at/michaelschweiger/ markus decker: http://www.firstfloor.org/ae bioaartsociety: http://bioartsociety.fi station: http://www.helsinki.fi/kilpis/english/ partners: http://www.servus.at, austrian embassy helsinki, linz export fund, art university linz