other mountain is a audio contribution to the label dilemma records. dilemma records is a project founded by richard herbst to produce and promote a publication sequence of limited 10x100 copies of 12inch vinyl discs, dealing with contemporary noise and soundscape music. 10 international selected musicians are invited. the other mountain soundwork, consists of two low volume level noise tracks. the idea of the low volume was based on two possible effects. the obvious effect is to create a meditative, ambient sound, which barely ll be recognised in any difference from the usual hum of life sounds, and otherwise by amplifing the audiovolume to a "usual" level, the sound will include traces of the physical storage medium and will therefore change and influence the sound output over a long period of time by the erosive process of the turntable pick-up head. sound: markus decker, producer: richard herbst, mastering: alexander joechtl, artwork: stefan kushima label: dilemmarecords label nite 2 pics